Isfield & Little Horsted Bonfire Society

Isfield & Little Horsted Bonfire Society


Our ILHBS thespians are rehearsing hard for our eagerly awaited murder mystery dinner


ILHBS Bonfire Society

Isfield and Little Horsted Bonfire Society – or ILHBS for short – is a relatively new society in the Sussex bonfire tradition, first established in 2008.  We are a very family-based Society, located in the neighbouring villages of Isfield and Little Horsted, just 10 minutes from the heart of Sussex Bonfire in Lewes.

Our reason for existence is to celebrate and continue the bonfire tradition, hosting our own annual display on the last Friday of October each year in the Isfield Community Enterprise field behind the Laughing Fish Pub.  The display is open to the public and completely free to attend although we always ask for donations to help cover the cost of the following year’s display.  For a relatively young Society of just 100 members we have gained a strong reputation for our impressive aerial displays, effigies and tableaux and each year we try to incorporate something new and exciting.  However, the two unchangeable elements of our night are the torchlit procession through the village, where we are joined by up to 15 other bonfire societies from around Sussex, and the poignant Remembrance Service with the Last Post before the fireworks begin.

Our Society is extremely friendly and we have a great social life throughout the year, combining fundraising activities with group outings, open to all members.  So whether it’s planning and attending our Quiz Nights in the village hall, or a skittles night at Barcombe, we enjoy getting together in each other’s company.  We’ve even hosted a Murder Mystery night, where budding thespian Members provided the entertainment.

The Society is run by a committee of volunteers, elected for one year terms, and we’re always looking for new Members to volunteer their skills and expertise and join our motley crew.

Read on and check out the other pages to find out more about ILHBS and why you should consider joining us.


Take a look at the events coming up.

Fundraising and Social Life

About Us

To enable the society to have a fabulous evening of amazing fireworks on our bonfire night then  monies need to be raised throughout the year.  A number of fun fund-raising events are held such as quizzes, murder mystery dinner, stalls at our local fete, disco etc but our main fund-raiser of the year is Isfest - an afternoon and evening of live musical entertainment. See the ISFEST tab for more information regarding this event.

However, our society in Isfield is not just about fund-raising but also about social gatherings throughout the year.  These include a number of different events and activities such as walks, picnics,  games evening at the pub, ten pin bowling, laser quest, go-karting, trips to Plumpton for Ladies Race Day (a chance to get "dolled up") and curling; to name but a few.  The latest event planned is a picnic with a fun, mini Olympic Games (but not as you know it!) with a competitive element added by small teams from other Bonfire Societies.

Having moved from the bustling city of Manchester to the quiet rural village of Isfield, we were somewhat intrigued by the local traditions of Bonfire. Two years down the track we have made friends with some wonderful people and are now enthusiastic members of the ILHBS, getting involved with all the bonfire and social activities. Where else can you have so much fun for a mere £20 a year?
— John
After being in the Bonfire Society for 9 seasons, I have made many friends of all ages throughout the village. It brings us together as a small community of fireworks enthusiasts – otherwise known as pyro-heads!
— Robyn

The 59 Club

Would you like the chance to win up to £30 on a weekly basis. The 59 Club is an easy way to fund-raise on a regular basis. Each number from 1 – 59 can be purchased for £1 a week and equates to the bonus ball of the weekly lotto draw. If your number is drawn, you win half the pot and the other half goes to the societies funds. Follow the link opposite and find out how to take part.

For legal reasons the 59 Club is open to ILHBS members only